About Connect+
Stronger together. Self-employed people are passionate about their profession. They go to extremes for their customers. We offer our network of entrepreneurs the tools to combine the service of the self-employed professional with the power of digital.
The Connect+ Group has grown out of an intense collaboration between more than 300 brands and more than 1,500 independents. The Connect+ platform represents a retail turnover of 850 mio and serves more than 1 million customers per year.
Platform for consumers, SMEs, producers and the self-employed
People shop more and more online, but they are still attached to the benefits of the physical shop.
That is why we are opting for a hybrid future, combining the best of online and offline shopping.
The shop of the future has an unlimited assortment online, but a better selected product range on the shop floor. Customers can thus view and order all our products, with the support of a passionate professional.
Together with the top of the industry, we select value-added products. With our selective and exclusive range, we ensure an innovative, unique position. In addition, we also have runners that can be purchased both in shop and online at competitive prices..
"We offer consumers and SMEs the network of independents who manage to combine the best of 2 worlds in one hybrid retail formula. The power and transparency of the Internet, yet the reliability of a real professional close by."
Customer choice
The customers choose for themselves: collect in 15 minutes in the shop or later delivery at home. Do they like to call on an installer or would they like additional advice during the sale?
We value extra service again. Professional advice by passionate professionals, a delivery or installation or training at home? We invest in the future so that our shops become the place to be for online and offline purchases.
Our targets
By offering products and services to entrepreneurs and suppliers of various retail formulas, we work together with them to both increase our turnover.
We place the consumer at the centre by maximising the use of independent partners, stock close to the customer, service and involvement. We invest in all possible IT solutions: web platforms, point of sales programmes, etc.
Increase the availability of products for various distribution channels by increasing our own stock and by making connections with the stock of partner companies.
Enabling a better return by offering unique, exclusive and selective products & (cloud) services, whether or not under own brand (O+, T-Concept, Pointer, Cloudhighway)
Optimising quality and return by focusing on cost optimisations, efficiency and the active use of data.
Our shareholders
Heylen Group
Heylen Group is a Belgian industrial holding that invests in ambitious enterprises and entrepreneurs worldwide. With current activities in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg and Italy, Heylen Group has gained longstanding experience in a wide range of industries, for example retail, minting, logistics real estate… www.heylengroup.com